Get to know the natural rhythms of energy flow and learn how to harmonize with them.

Open your mind to ancient Eastern knowledge – it is going to make your life easier and more productive.

What can you lose? Maybe a better question is… What can you gain?

The knowledge of the five elements is empirical in its origin and about 5000 years old. Traditional Chinese and Japanese practices are based on them: acupuncture, acupressure, shiatsu, qi gong, feng shui, I Ching, macrobiotics, astrology…

The five elements are connected to everything that exists, and are reflected through everything in nature.

5 elemenata za osobnu transformaciju postavljen jastuk i mirisna svijeća za kontemplaciju
5 elemenata za osobnu transformaciju prikaz radionice, jastuk i mirisna svijeća

In the workshop the importance of the 5 elements is addressed in the following aspects of everyday life:

5 elements in nature:

Seasons, lunar phases, weather conditions

5 elements in the body:

Life cycle, organs and meridians, imbalances and their manifestations, menstrual cycle

5 elements in diet and herbal therapy:

Ingredients and cooking, herbal remedies, infusions and essential oils

5 elements and physical (in)activity:

Exercise, rest and relaxation, meditation, discipline and routine

5 elements in relationships:

Constitutional types and relations between them

5 elements and shiatsu:

Acupressure points, when to visit a shiatsu practitioner

Through discussion we are going to discover the imbalances that lie beneath our individual symptoms / experiences, and learn to return to balance by changing our habits (diet, herbal remedies, exercise, etc.).

The balance in our mind and body ultimately manifests as health, well-being, feeling good, healthy relationships and a sense of inner peace.

The five elements represent a circle. Through the circle, as a perfect form, energy flows smoothly. When the flow of energy is blocked in any part of the circle, i.e. in any element, it can cause an imbalance to the whole system. Stagnation can be caused by internal or external factors. The system responds to stagnation by ‘rebalancing’ in order to return to balance. Nature has the ability and tendency to find balance. We are a part of nature, so if we allow ourselves, we can return to balance, too. In this way, we can help everything around us transform and return to balance.

“Knowing others is intelligence. Knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.”

A quote from Tao Te Ching


Online workshop PERSONAL TRANSFORMATION THROUGH 5 ELEMENTS takes place through 14 online meetings.

The meetings are held on Zoom, on Saturdays, twice a month, from 3 to 6 p.m.

The next group starts on October 11th, 2025.


If you miss any of the sessions, you are going to receive a recording of the session. 

You may be wondering why the workshop takes so long? The answer is simple. Change takes time. The process of transforming energy flows does not happen overnight. It takes time and energy to pave new paths.

Although the workshop program is simple and easy to understand, do not expect the experiential journey to be easy. We will encounter obstacles, in and around us. The workshop requires us to be consistent, disciplined, courageous and to step out of our comfort zone. 

Please bear in mind that during the workshop you are expected to set aside time for practice, observation and learning on daily basis (if you can spare half an hour every day, that is going to be enough)!

If you are ready… I invite you to join me! 😊


€490, paid in 7 monthly instalments of €70 each.

For a one-time payment, there is a discount of €70, in which case the price is €420.

In order to apply please fill out the application form, after which you are going to receive all the necessary information.



If you are looking for a way to introduce exercise into your daily routine, and you are inclined towards Eastern methods and philosophy, exercises based on the principles of the 5 elements are a good choice for you!

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